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Qigong Master "Dai Justice" 5 – "Free Pusher"

Dai Shi's famous "free pusher"

Dai Shi does not play tai chi, or even talk about yin and yang five-line way.But his "free work" effect, but by his free pusher, personally demonstrated the spirit of the high-level skills similar to the pursuit of tai chi.For example, "jack drops(to loose to sink)," "to soft just", "introducing failed", "Zhongding" and "understanding energy", and so on.These methods, such as talking about song, originally tai chi teachers are experts, but after a trial with Dai Teacher, he can relax and defend only, but stable as Taishan's internal achievements, very fold, are startled by the heavens.Many of these teachers were immediately willing to follow Dai, and some of them followed him for years until he died.

I followed him from 1985 to 1990, when my focus was on developing my own special functions under his guidance, and I didn't pay much attention to the practice pushers.In these six years, in my memory only pushed with him five or six times, but there are many opportunities to observe him and different tai chi teachers, and visit the request for trial pushers, so I do my limited understanding and experience, combined with his always on the method of pushing the hand, made the following observations:

A. Dai Shi's pusher Qigong, is in his "casual static work" and "free work" on the basis of the establishment of the three into a system, and get a high rating of the people in Wulin.Here I am from my other online article "Qigong Master" Dai Gongzheng "Dai Gongzheng online trace" (click 👉 here 👈 see) excerpts a few paragraphs, Wulin people on Dai Shi's merit system high evaluation: one

1. Zhang wei -yu (The 12th generation of Jilin Chen's tai chi): His old
people always say a word: its roots in the foot, avenue to Jane… To achieve the realm of the unity of heaven and man, not only to understand the true connotation of Oriental culture, but also to have a real inheritance… In the contact with Mr. Dai for many years, so that I learned a lot of valuable experience and true heritage… Mr. Dai's skill is second to none in my opinion at home… Such a magical old man belongs to the master of national treasure, he showed us the kind of personality charm is the Oriental culture and thought and the expression of wisdom.

2. Jiang Zhiqiang (Hong Kong Yu Chun Master)
has been visiting the Park for three years, watching Taiji…. Go every week and find that most of it is bragging.But the mistake and encounter edgy master Dai just, with him learned Qigong.Every day also scheduled to meditate, learn to relax themselves, relax, the inner heart and lung function and internal gas adjustment.

3. Hu Quansheng (Zhejiang Zhaobo Tai Chi Tsin Tse 12th generation authentic heirs) … In Ho
ng Kong by the President of the Hong Kong International Qigong Association, a generation of patriarch Mr. Dai Just carefully pointed out, deep tai chi….

In the above-mentioned three Wulin people's evaluation, Hu Quansheng (Zhao Bao hangman)'s comments are short, but the most refined.Hu Quansheng called Dai a "generation master" of Qigong, but what he learned was "the magic of tai chi".This shows that Dai Shi's Qigong system training, is to tai chi the most mysterious realm of the "to Jane Avenue", rather than must be tai chi practice and tai chi pusher skills to achieve.This also explains why many tai chi teachers are willing to learn from him.

B. Dai Shi's "understanding", "penetration", "Zhongding" and "only the ability to defend not to attack"

1. Dai Shi's popularity is the foundation of his pusher's odd work

When I first tried with Dai in 1985, he stood up for a tall horse with only a few feet apart, and told me to push him with both hands on his shoulders.Since I had followed his brother Jiangbo master for two years in the previous two years, i was very sensitive to gas;When I pushed past, it was strange that I suddenly felt incompetent and could not be pushed to him, as if my strength was not too controlled by myself, and i had a little out of control.On this point, his domestic disciple Lin Haifeng also wrote in his blog post: "… The old man made me try to attack him, like a fight, and as a result, I really had a strong sense of fear for the first time in my life, because when I attacked the old man, I found myself completely out of force…"That's how I felt at the time.So Dai Shi's power, not only he practiced very loose, but his inner gas is very abundant, his kung fu is not like some people think is some of the great mystery, but he has had a man's achievements.

2. Dai Shi's "understanding energy"

I tried to give a cold shot in the process of pushing him (I'm sure many others would try to do so).Because the cold energy is both active and urgent, there should be an invincible effect.But when I found that I was ready to exert force, found that Dai Shi had already put the road to block, and then no space for me to speed up, so cold energy will not go out, only stop to give up.In the words of one of my brothers: "Dai Shi really doesn't give you a chance!""That is to say, anyone, at any time, cold is useless for Dai, never let him invincible opportunity."He seems to read the opponent's intention to be cold-hearted, has already been able to prepare the curtain, the opponent's strong road sealed dead.Isn't this the "understanding" of high-level tai chi?

I in recent years on the Wang system (Wang Yongquan) secret Yang-style tai chi, commonly known as the "old six road" also a bit of research.In the old six-way method, stressed contact with the opponent, first to put gas (inner strength) into the opponent's body, to sense his intention, and affect the balance of the other side, is to "seeping energy."I think Dai Shi although his skills have nothing to do with tai chi, but when you enter his gas field, his inner gas has already seeped into your body, in addition to the above 1 point said, can affect the mental state of others, but also understand the intention of others to use energy.According to the above 1. and 2. two points of observation, Dai Shi has both "understanding work" and "penetration", his power has really reached a high state.

3. Dai Shi in the free push hands appear the superior "middle-of-the-table" effect.

With "Zhongding" this tai chi method to describe Dai Shi is not suitable, after all, tai chi and Qigong are two different things, but also a closer description.

When I pushed the hand with Dai, it basically felt like touching a sloping, solid wall, and the plane of the wall would bend, or make three-dimensional rotation.If pushed down will only lose their center of gravity; so many opponents will bounce away with force, but also in line with the observation that it seems to be pushed in a dumping wall;If the concept of tai chi "introducing the failure" as a reference, the power-maker will "lose", and Dai Shi is not "introduced" action, the center of gravity is very stable, fully reflects the "set" power in the big fist.

Dai also likes to pick up the body, remove the hands, with the body of each part tiltrotation rotation, no tricks.If the force disorderly change, his body is the corresponding random tilt rotation, completely out of natural reaction, can easily resolve the force, and then restore the original, no high power, it is difficult to do this "fixed" effect.This also shows that Dai Shi's free pusher contains the work method, is not tai chi, I have not seen the tai chi pusher of a party, will withdraw their hands.

Moreover, after I left in 1990, according to his lifelong disciples later told me that Dai Shi's power later developed to the point where he could push people with one leg.This was in a 2011 blog post by Mr. Zhang Weizhu (The 12th Generation of Chen Tai Chi) (click on 👉 here👈 see here): At this time, Feng Zhiqiang teacher in the crowd to find a large-bodied look of the military young man to come, to the man to do his best to push Mr. Dai's chest with both hands, Mr. Dai just smiled and nodded, the young man pounced, when only saw Mr. Dai raised his right leg, only left leg standing alone, the body slightly fluttered, the young man was bounced back.The man was puzzled, and then tried again several times, but the result was the same…."。It is also said that Dai shi standing on one leg, only by the upper body slight twisting has been able to defuse the other side's offensive;I believe it is difficult to meet a tai chi teacher can demonstrate one-legged pusher, no wonder many tai chi teachers are not from tai chi kung fu greatly discounted.

4. Dai shi only guard not attack, highlight its to the state of the

In Dai Shi's philosophy of merit, he is integrated with his opponent.When the opponent takes the offensive to attack him, he will take a natural, invisible, no way to defuse the opponent's attack, and never take the initiative to attack.His power, often let the first time to ask for the ability to test the people, very convinced.

C. Learn the key points of Dai's "free pusher":

Dai Shi's magical power in the push hand is the application and extension of his random and static work.Scholars should learn to freely push the hands of the above-mentioned various abilities, such as "understanding energy", "zhongding", "only to defend not attack", "no tricks, no magic, law is natural", foolthink that should start from the following aspects:

1. Practice free work and static work, cultivate the inner gas.

Many scholars only want to learn to push the hand, this is to forget that Dai Shi is in a very good static work and motivation on the basis of, but also said that the body's gas pulse is full of open and full on the basis of the development of free pusher's ability, so in order to achieve something in the free push hand, we must return to the foundation of motivation and static work.I believe that every day to practice an hour of static work, and half an hour to work, this is probably to learn Dai Shi that "Gestigong" the minimum requirements.

2. Grasp and adhere to the training of the spiritual strength taught by the teacher, do not use, or doped with any martial arts school tricks

A. Spiritual training is the essence of the "free pusher" method

In the basic work, that is, casual work, the level, Dai shi has paid great attention to the training of spiritual strength.Relaxation is the only physical requirement, and the rest is spiritual.First of all, gently think of the soles of the feet, that is, people and the earth into the body, and then with the surrounding ring into one, and finally with the world into one.Heavenly man is the essence of Oriental culture, which is included in the works of merit.

B. Consciousness is all-encompassing.

Elevated to the application of free pusher, Dai Shi often said, to take the other side as a part of their own, that is, to integrate with the opponent."How can one's right hand be pushed to his left hand?"That's what Dai often says.Dai Shi also said, "I am the universe, how can you push me down!""。

So from free work, to free pusher, the state of mind is to let the consciousness expand, the spirit and the universe of heaven and earth into one, and the opponent into one.From the beginning of this spiritual training, we can have a chance to achieve success.

C. Pusher reaction comes from talent instinct, no tricks, no invisibly

Finally, Dai often emphasizes that the reaction of free pushing hands is purely natural.When attacked, such as the basic skills well, the body that kind of subconscious, unpredictable changes, nature will resolve the force, no tricks, invisible, everything out of nature.

However, in the actual work, the students have a tendency to forget the above spiritual training, and into the martial arts school they have learned the usual tricks, in order to speed up, which has become a stumbling block to progress.To learn the teacher's skills, we must forget their usual way, not afraid of failure, and constantly try, slowly from the pusher in the real work, to see through the heavens and people one, enemy I one to Jane Avenue, this is the right way to practice.

Two. It's the biggest regret not to leave a video.

Finally, I must express a deep regret in my heart, which is also the regret of all his disciples, is that Dai Shi's life, did not leave a video of his pusher, in order to pass on the future!No more text narrative, not to see his pusher video, even if it is 5 minutes is also good.This is why I want to record in this blog post, detailed records I see, know, understand everything, in order to meet the insight, interested in following the footsteps of Dai Shi down the reader, so that this world-wide feat can be reproduced, in the scope of Qigong and home work, and then shine.

Three. Uncovering the mystery of how Dai started "free work", i think

First of all, I have to declare here that when the earliest disciples met Dai, he had been in Hong Kong Victoria Park with people pushing hands, no disciples know how he started to create "free work", which is a mystery.Because I have with Dai Shi's brother Jiangbo to learn random (quiet) work, so in the following on how Dai Shi original random work process, is my own according to Jiang Bo mentioned Dai Shi's matter, and my own speculation came from.Unfortunately, no one who actually knew could be found to seek evidence.

1. Suffering from serious illness hard to practice, finally because of the disaster of good

Dai Shi in the early 1970s to get serious illness (according to the situation had advanced pancreatic cancer, the pancreas was cut in half, the stomach was cut in half, the courage was removed, the whole excision), and later from the same Zhejiang University system-born district Hanrong and Jiangbo two Qigong masters to learn "casual quiet work" (read about the story of the two people in the district, click here👉 👈.The three of them are also teachers and friends, to the teacher brothers to each other, Dai Shi in the quiet work, under a lot of hard work.Results in addition to his recovery of physical health, and the district jiang two people, but also practicea strong special function, can be a person's disease detection, can bring people with work to cure diseases, can guide people around the circle with work, and even can see the spiritual world things.Most importantly, Dai Shi's achievements in the quiet work, let him through the whole body, the internal gas full of drums, become his future creation of "free work" solid cornerstone.

2. Practice on yin soft and masculinity prepared with air

Dai Shi and belong to the Yin-soft-shaped style of the district Jiang two people are very different, he is a cheerful and outgoing personality, physical fitness, is a sports-type character of the people.So when his quiet work went on to bulge, he wanted to stretch.As he began to recover from a serious illness and had a major surgical wound in his body, he relaxed his body to work at will.Because of his internal gas full of drums, in the random activities of the more masculine inner gas, and static work produced by the yin and soft internal gas combination, so that he felt very comfortable, so, a dynamic of the prototype will be produced.

3. "Quiet Gong" is bred into "Movement"

As Dai continued to practice, it allowed him to gradually regain muscle strength.With strength, the time to practice movement can be gradually strengthened, in adhering to the principle of relaxation, the body gradually changed into the pursuit of inner kung fu internal strength.On the other hand, Dai Shi's residence is closer to Victoria Park, which is a very broad, and very green park, is an ideal place to practice boxing.In the leafy, fresh air environment, Dai Shi will be "casual static work" in the consciousness to do "four empty, infinite expansion" requirements, transplanted into his initiative, so that he can be in the exercise can be dissolved with the surrounding environment into one.

4. "Momentum" separates from the "quiet work" mother tire, unique

Dai Shi is a very high-level people, slowly "free work" will be separated from the "casual static work" of the mother, alone to form a strong body of work.In the physical physical requirements are to keep the soles of the feet, the whole body relaxed, ideological requirements are with the surrounding environment, and even with the world as one;

Some people in the park, see a very master-shaped wearteacher, in playing a never seen, the movement of random smooth kindof, so curious to follow Dai shi to do.Dai shi is also very willing to explain the requirements, or for others qigong to check the disease, and explain the work of casual quiet work.Coupled with Dai teacher enthusiasm for people, there is no class, do not ask the return of the character, slowly attracted a class of followers.In the development of teaching, he can finally be "free to work" the right name.

5. "Momentum" breeds "free pusher"

In the last century, Weiyuan was the focus of martial arts enthusiasts of all walks of mankind, especially those who practiced tai chi.There are a lot of people practicing pushers from day to day.Therefore, some people learn from Dai, which in turn also communicates with people who play free pushers (they are mostly practicing tai chi), which is a natural thing.Because he has a very loose foundation, and very flexible body changes, coupled with his natural physique, in trying to push hands with others, he suddenly found that others are not easy to push him down, but he easily pushed others;At first, Dai may suffer a little, after all, he is still a novice.But he has slowly accumulated experience in his hands with a variety of people of all kinds, allowing him to be comfortable when he is free to push his hand.

6. The "generation of master" without a teacher has finally come out of the sky.

This discovery gives Dai a mystery: if your "free work" practice well, in the hands of free push is not easy to be pushed, the change of hands will naturally resolve the opponent's offensive, which has nothing to do with you do not understand martial arts.

Dai Shi as a complete person who does not understand martial arts, on the personal demonstration and reveal the mystery of the wonders.At this point, Dai Shi's "free work" has evolved into a deep, mature Qigong method, all parties to learn the people of Locke, he also won a group of loyal disciples to follow and love, and finally famous, and become a generation of master.

Four. Afterwords: The contribution of Dai JustEn in Qigong and Inner Home Fist

A. Dai Shi inherited the arbitrary (quiet) work of the district Hanrong, which was created by the profound connotation, and created the "casual work" from the road to Jane.His method of work, by the Wulin master's high recognition and praise (according to the 👉 here 👈 see), so that there is a depth of practitioners to see, such as to see the loss of many times the home mystery re-emerged and open, which from his many loyal disciples, whether Hong Kong, domestic, Taiwan, white people, are Wulin people, can be seen that their skills, is indeed the necessary auxiliary work of the inner family.In the Qigong world and the inner boxing world, especially tai chi, is a once-in-a-century blessing and holding, and he is also a once-in-a-century master.What is more rare is that he is in the quiet work and the level of the work is very high, his Qigong system contains the work, worthy of the gem of the Qigong world.

B. Dai shi has a noble personality and an infectious personal charm.He has a broad, sun-drenched mind, and a voluminous and selfless explanation.He never charges tuition fees, nor does he engage in worship ceremonies.Who will please, have a question must answer, instant demonstration, there is no class.He has been around for decades, once a week, with twenty or thirty people involved, with his work in the ring, and one-on-one for cancer patients, all for good deeds and not for the return.His heart is like the spring weather, the Huize community, so said that Dai Shi is indeed a perfect, once-in-a-century generation of patriarchs and philosophers.For decades, whether he had studied with him for a short time or was loyal, he had followed his disciples for decades, with the luck and pride of having learned to learn from Dai.

C. Dai died in 2010, and his disciples were very sad.From the domestic disciples published on the Internet tribute (click 👉 here 👈 see article), chest sad please, leap on the paper.One of the disciples said that Dai's very low-key ness was a mistake, which I very much agree with.He really deserves higher visibility and honor!Unfortunately, he didn't leave a written paper, only the disciples recorded for him the memorial CD, I also put his interpretation of the work, divided into "casual work" and "free work" two videos, put on it (see 👉 this chapter 👈 and 👉 this chapter 👈).I these blog posts about Dai's justice teacher, is to hope that his achievements, merit, achievements and so on, do not go to the details, written into a chronicle, dedicated to Dai Shi.At the same time, I also hope that more people will know him, so that his former glory can continue.

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